On days like today when its cold & raining out all I want to sit inside, curl up on the couch and watch sappy chick flicks or re-runs of Sex in the City. Speaking of Sex in the City I cant wait for the movie to come out, May 30th. So gals if you want to join me let me know!!!
Here are a few I took this am.....
"Come on Ma, can I jump in this puddle once before bath time?"
I love my galoshes!!!
Self portrait in a puddle. Doesn't the water ripple look like a lens? I worked it out that way.....
Monday, April 28, 2008
Rain, Rain Go Away
Posted by
Stacey Mioduszewski
Monday, April 28, 2008
Labels: personal
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Know your neighbor night
So last night I volunteered at a event with my friend Jessica. She works for Pernet, which is a neighbor-based home health and social service agency. They held a "Know your Neighbor Night" event. This event was held for residents of the Green Island neighborhood of Worcester, MA .The goal of this event was to bring local residents together to express their feelings and concerns about their neighborhood. We provided the child care for parents while they had their discussion upstairs. I figured since I'm a photographer why don't we do a photo booth with the kids. So we brought some costumes for the kids to dress up in. These kids had a blast with the photo booth!! They kept saying "Let me see what I look like." And I would show them the back of the camera and they were like, "Lets do it again"! Look how cute they are!!
And of course we had some fun too!!!
Posted by
Stacey Mioduszewski
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Labels: personal
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Langlois Boys
Yesterday I went to the Langlois home to do some lifestyle portraits.
Courtney & Jay have twin boys Brock & Brody, who are soooo cute! We hung outside & did what boys do; played with rocks, rode the John Deere tracker w/ Dad then headed to the fire station to meet Grandpa & Grandma. I had to post some right away, the boys were so fun to hang out with!!! Click here to see Slideshow!!
"This is cool, right Brock? High Fivvveeee"
Posted by
Stacey Mioduszewski
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Labels: Lifestyle
Abby & Bekah
So I had the opportunity to take some maternity portraits of one of my co-workers a couple weekends ago. She has the cutest belly and was sooooo fun to work with. Abby wanted to get some intimate portraits with Behak & the baby; so she bought some body paint that is made especially for pregnant women. Here are a few of our lil artist painting her canvas!!
Giggling as I painted her belly!!!
Abby loves the Red Sox!!
Work it mama!!!
Posted by
Stacey Mioduszewski
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Labels: Maternity, then comes baby
Friday, April 11, 2008
First Dance
Trying to find the right song for your First Dance at your Wedding? Something romantic that describes your love for one another. Luther Vandross-- Always and Forever, Tony Bennett-- The Way You Look Tonight, Whitesnake-- Is This Love?, Jack Johnson, a little Dirty Dancing..... Well I found some great songs & dance moves that I think would be highly recommended for my bride & grooms for 2008!!
Posted by
Stacey Mioduszewski
Friday, April 11, 2008
Labels: then comes marriage
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Racing Season has started!!
So when I'm not out shooting a wedding or a lifestyle session I hit the woods shooting my Lil Bro James (Buddy) racing dirtbikes. He rides for Netra, which is trail riding for dirtbikes! The season just started and I love going to the races!! We make a day of it..lots of people, lots of food & drinks of course!!!! The most nerve racking part is when they first take off.... AWWWWW as my Mom is biting her nails, Paula & Mandy are clenching onto me. Great hide behind me!! I'm getting down & dirty on the trails hoping I don't get hit by a bike. Here are some highlights from last years races! This season is going to be awesome!!
Good Luck James, Steve, Jimmy, Jay & Josh (if you ever get your bike started) just joking ;) & the rest of the gang!!! U all ROCK!!
Click here to view Slide show!
Posted by
Stacey Mioduszewski
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Labels: personal
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
A day in the life of Ella
So I've been out shooting more for myself lately and of course Ella (my pooch) is a great model. Even though all she wants to do is jump in all puddles when we're walking or in swamps, I still get some good shots of her. Today was an AWESOME day!! I cant wait for the nice weather!! I went for a walk with my friend Michelle & Ella. We went to Hartford. Here are some that we shot.
Typical car ride....
Haha you can't get me!!
Here are some that Michelle shot of us!!! Thanks Mich!!
Posted by
Stacey Mioduszewski
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Labels: personal